Tuesday, March 25, 2008


I hate spring break. I hate school more though, so what the heck? (And Sars, I've changed my resolution to not hating people. I can hate material objects, animals, and times of year if I want too)

I hate all vacations really. They would be fun. They are for everyone else and that's what makes it less fun for me. For everyone else it's catching a plane to this place or going on a road trip to that place. Maybe their spending times with their perfect relatives because their families are perfect and have perfect money so they can spend all their perfect time together!!!!!!!!!!!
No, not for me. For me it's my parents trying to make my vacation "fun" by taking my siblings and I out for lunch or shopping. But my younger siblings are obnoxious and ruin everytihng. Persoanally, I take pride in being the only one in my family not taking meds for something or other. I'm the only normal one.
When we do go on vacation though, which is incredibley rare, we never go somewhere just because we can. We go places to see our family. "Hotels and restaurants are too expensive." Uch. Money. It's so stupid. It's also something no one my age realizes is existent because to them Mommy and Daddy get them what ever they want when ever they want.
I asked my dad about this. He said, "When I was a kid, my friends and I NEVER went on vacations." And I said, "When you were a kid no one has iPods either." And he said, "Name a few friends who are on vacation." So I did. And he said, "All of their parents (excepts Sars) have flexible, well paying jobs that allow them to go on trips. I don't." Stupid well-paying, flexible jobs......
Basically, everyone's gone and I'm bored out of my mind. And of course because everyone is on vacation no one is online talking to me or reading this. Of course.
This is what I get for making friends with rich kids. What ever. They'll all be miserable with my on Monday when we're back at school.


RandomNatalie said...

Hey! I'm here! (Mostly because my parents wanted "Alone Time" on their vacation so they decided not to bring me.)

Snickers said...

well, i didn't go on vacation, nor am i super rich. and my family is far from perfect....and.....and...well, i dunno, i just got really angry reading this because you're complaining about how your dad doesn't have a well-paying job because of the crappy economy and Bush, but i usually don't see my dad at all during the week and during the weekends when i do get to see him, he's most of the time on the computer and too busy to do anything else, and it's really annoying, because it's rare that he picks us up from school, or stuff like what happened with the play!!!! He missed the 5th grade culmination ceremony b/c he was on call!!!!! i know, believe me, how hard life is.....

RandomNatalie said...

Wait what does your dad do? Is he a doctor? Huh. My mom has a semi-flexible job but she is in meetings all the time. Even when she's home she has to have her laptop so she doesn't get behind. However, I'm not complaining. (Actually I am. But I really shouldn't be. I think we're all lucky that we have our parents and that our parents are there for us so much, even though it might not seem like it. Plus, our neighborhood is really really really affluent and a LOT different from the real world. You guys may think you aren't that rich, but in reality you are. My relatives from the midwest came here and were staggered to see how rich everybody is.)

RandomNatalie said...

Also, a lot of times people with a lot of money have even more problems than people without that much money. They just use their money to divert people's attention away from their problems.

Money can't buy happiness, Steph!!!

yomama said...

ok, so this is your mother here. by now you know how pissed off i am about this posting of yours. and i'm beyond insulted. you have no right whatsoever to rant the way you do here. do your friends know how good you've got it? do they know that you don't lift a finger in this house, and when asked to merely set the table you give an argument every time? do your friends know that you have a special needs sister and how much you treat her like garbage, but that your little brother can do no wrong? do they know how smart your special needs sister is, and that she's probably as smart as or even smarter than you? do they know that she can't help who she is, that she was born that way and will always be a bit "weird"? do your friends know that we've travelled a lot, to the east coast, to the american girl place (a few times), that we buy you anything you want every place we go, that we go to disneyland all the time, stay in hotels there and buy you anything you want? do your friends know that last year you got to got to cincinatti to jordan's house, by yourself via first class? yes, there will always be someone who's parents have more money than yours, who travel to more exotic locals than you, who will eventually drive a nicer can than you will and will be more successful. but you have no idea how good you've got it. maybe if i stop doing nice things for you for a while you'll start to appreciate what you've got. until then, don't talk to me. don't ask for anything. the answer will be "no."