Saturday, May 17, 2008


Why do teachers find intense joy in torturing their students??????????????????????? My school's open house is next week, so we have a million projects due around now. First off all, on Monday, in language arts we have our complete taxonomy due. The taxonomy was a project where we picked a subject, and we had six questions we had to answer through some form of a project, the first being the easiest and sixth being the hardest. On Monday we have to bring it to school in a decorated box so we can put them on display. Joyous.

Also on Monday is our Olde Worlde Faire poster due. OWF is a project where each social studies class is assigned at time period (for me, Medeival Europe) and then each group within the class is assigned a job from that time period. I'm a jeweler. The first thing we had to do was write individual reports with really annoying requirements. Now, our second part is coming up. Our group had to make a poster and oral presentation about it. That is what's due on Monday. Then, on May 30th there will be a market thing set up where each group gets a booth and we have to barter our wares. My group is making clay jewelry, which is A LOT harder and more annoying then it seems. Oh yeah, and we have to have costumes. Ew...

Project tres: ME MAGAZINE!!!!!!!!!!! We have to make a magazine about ourselves in language arts. It is sooooooooooooooooooo stupid. We have and About Me section where we have ou autobiography in two pages or less, an autobiographical incident, and a biopoem. Then we have a math section, science section. history section, express yourself section, a stuff you do in your free time section, and what ever other random stuff you wish to include. This is due on Thursday, and I am just soooo excited. Yay.

We've had a million other projects this school year too. So I can not wait one more minute for summer! Not one!


Snickers said...

I know, I hate projects too. D'you think Chipmunk Fairy liked our presentation? I sure hope so. Now, I am worrying about the grade. I can't wait until OWF is over so I can stop worrying!!!! I'm also still worrying about the essay, but not as much. I can't wait until May 30!!!! Update soon!!!!!

Snickers said...

ugh...still hate projects..........

Snickers said...

my pink pet is swasome. is yours?

Snickers said...

i still haven't pigured out the combo to my pet lock.