I've spent a large portion of my day venting to at least... six different confidantes about different areas of my life. My consensus is I am having a repeat of freshman year, in all the worst possible ways. Everything that was supposed to make 10th grade better than 9th didn't end up happening, and now I (and everyone else) am extremely disappointed. I won't get into details about why.
So I talked to Sydney about it and we decided that we are going to cleanse our body of toxins (not really). We each changed the other's Facebook password so neither of use will be ever to access our accounts until next Sunday evening. We are going to communicate with people via phone in case of an emergency. Otherwise we are just going to take time to work on ourselves and our school work (and our super awesome video blog that was started working on; I'll tell you more about it when we finish our first episode).
Then, we are going to spend the weekend at Syd's grandmother's home in order to have some time away from the stresses of reality. How horrible is that? That two 15-year-old girls need to have a weekend away from it all? The world is out to get me, for real.
In other news, tomorrow... well technically today, but whatever... we are going to start reading Macbeth in my English class. I. Am. So. Excited.
Let me begin by telling you that my English class (period 3, English II Honors) is one of the most amazing groups of people I have ever met. We all are total nerds and we laugh at each other's grammar and vocabulary related jokes. We relate Latin roots to biology, discuss incorrect adverb usage in street signs, ridicule those who cannot read analog clocks, and have intense Socratic seminars. So now that I get to read AND THUS ACT OUT William Shakespeare's Macbeth, I am filled to the brim with joy. I can't wait for our teacher (who is a total theatre geek, which makes me happy) to make casting decisions, and considering my role as Juliet in my freshman Honors English course, I think it is only appropriate that I play Lady Macbeth this year. But remember, there are no small parts, only small actors. I will be happy with which ever role I get (ha ha, right....).
So that's what I have to look forward to in my life. Sunday Circle every other weekend, reading Macbeth in English, and going to visit Sydney's grandmother. Hopefully things will start to look up soon. I mean, they haven't yet, but without hope, what's the point, right? So maybe soon, sophomore year will change for the better. Maybe. Hopefully.
Happy birthday to Edmond Halley, Milton Bradley, Bram Stoker, Margaret Mitchell, June Havoc, Bonnie Raitt, Mary Hart, John Musker, and Matthew Rhys. But most importantly, I would like to wish a very special birthday to one of my best friends in the entire world, Sammy. I love you so much!
Go listen to the song "Brand New Key" by Melanie. It fills me with a happiness I cannot express in words. Buh bye now.