But before I get into that, I need to back track a bit to catch you all up. The other day I decided to make a list of movies. Movies from all different genres and walks of life, the criteria was that they made one of AFI's top 100 lists. You know how the American Film Institute has all these lists of the best movies in any given genre? Well, they do. So I combined all their lists into one giant list (483 movies, to be precise), put them in order by the year the premiered, and then color coated them by genre. Yes, I am that OCD.
But to make an already long story slightly shorter, Sydney and I decided during dance today to watch all of these movies and film our responses in a spectacular video blog of wonderful. It's going to take a long time, but it will be worth it. Seeing as Sydney and I both have intense interests in film for a possible career and just in general, we want to be well versed in the subject. This way, we can talk about movies in snobby-I-am-so-much-smarter-than-you kind of way and actually mean it.
Happy birthday to Roseanne Barr and many other people I haven't actually heard of.
So.... that's all I really have to update you on today. I got my handwriting analyzed on Monday. That was cool. I'm not done with my homework yet. That's not cool.
So that's pretty much all I had to update you on today.
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