Saturday, March 26, 2011


As you may or may not know, I do have an account on Twitter. I rarely use it, mainly because I have nothing to say to all six of my followers, but I do like to find out what my favorite celebrities are up too. However, my favorite part of my "timeline," which in case you don't know is the equivalent of a Facebook news feed, is the role players.

My account was made for me by my friend Brian, and being aware of my obsession with the Harry Potter universe he followed a bunch of Harry Potter "RPers" for me. I ended up deleting most of them because they were really stupid, but there are three who I absolutely love. One is @Lord_Voldemort7 simply due to his hysterical interpretation of Voldemort's personality. My other two favorites are @RonTheAuror and @TheMione.

These two Ron and Hermione RPers are obsessive. Voldemort tweets every once in a while, and they are usually just witticisms- he doesn't really interact with other characters. Ron and Hermione, on the other hand, are involved on a full on story line. Currently, Ron and Hermione are in Azkaban because Hermione accidentally incendio-ed their house in a fit of range and suffered minor burns. At the hospital, Ron was accused of attempted murder and was blamed for starting the fire. Hermione left the hospital and got help from someone in the Ministry so she could talk to Ron, and now she's stuck for at least two days, and both of them under the influence of the happiness-sucking dementors.

HOW DO THESE PEOPLE DO THIS? I simply do not understand. I know that they're students, and if they value their studies they shouldn't have time to do this. Also, these plots are so intricate and seem improvised. Additionally, they move the story along 140 characters at a time. It's like those camp games where everyone sits in a circle and tells one word of a story, except different.

Another interesting aspect of these peoples cyber lives is when they tweet "OOC," or out of character. Ron almost never tweets out of character, but Hermione, who I have discerned is actually named Kennedy, tweets as herself all the time. It's hysterical, because she is also friends with all the other people on Twitter who pretend to be Hermione. She communicates with them and tells them how much she loves them, even though none of them have ever met in person. It really takes a different kind of individual to be more emotionally attached to her relationships through Twitter than the people she lives and goes to school with.

My favorite moment in this RPing universe happened a little bit over a year ago, when Kennedy got really, really upset about something. It was unclear what was going on, except that it was drama and someone she trusted had betrayed her. Her tweets quickly took a turn for the depressing, she sounded semi-suicidal, and before I knew it she had deleted her account. I was genuinely scared for her life and I was thoroughly convinced she had committed suicide. All of her "friends" were freaking out, and since they don't actually know her they couldn't do anything about it.

A little bit under 48 hours later, she reactivated her account and was back in the Harry Potter role playing and tweeting universe. My timeline was filled with exclamations of love and sentiments, and Kennedy made sure everybody knew that cancelling her account was the worst decision she ever made and her two days without Twitter were the most depressing and horrible days of her life.

Are. You. Kidding. Me.

I feel like a horrible person for getting perverse pleasure out of this girl, who clearly isn't emotionally well off. But honestly, if I was a psychoanalyst I could probably do a full one study of this girl just based on how she presents herself online. Which reminds me, I'm taking a psychology class next year and I'm really excited. Anyway, I just feel like the internet let's people get away with... a lot.

I'm about to sound like an insensitive bitch. Trust me, I'm not. You would be surprised how many emotionally unstable people I deal with on a daily basis, one of them being myself. But my opinion is that the internet has created a world where everyone thinks they deserve attention. And yes, everyone deserves some attention. But with all the social networking websites and blogs (yes, I realize how hypocritical this currently sounds) people think that they are really important. When truthfully, not everyone is. That was cold. But, to quote The Incredibles, saying everyone is special is just another way of saying no one is.

Saying these things makes me feel horrible, but let me give a more concrete example. My pet peeve is when people try to elicit sympathy through an ambiguous and passive aggressive Facebook status. We all have friends that do that. Truthfully, it doesn't make me feel bad for them. It makes me mentally say, "attention whore," and then keep scrolling through my news feed.

I'm a real bitch.

Happy birthday to Tennessee Williams, Sandra Day O'Connor, Leonard Nimoy, Alan Arkin, Nancy Pelosi, Diana Ross, Steven Tyler, Kenny Chesney, Keira Knightley, and Jonathon Groff.

Can I just say that I love Jonathon Groff? Last year when I saw Glee in concert, the entire time I was complaining about how Jonathon Groff should be there. Towards the end of the performance, Lea Michele brought him on stage as a surprise. I almost peed in my pants.

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