Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Beware the Ides of March

The title has nothing to do with what I'm going to talk about. I just thought it was appropriate considering, you know, it's March.

And speaking of March, March and May are probably my two busiest months ever. I'm not 100% sure of this year's May schedule yet, so instead I will tell you about my March schedule. No, you do not have a choice. Just listen/read.
March 1- I took the Jeopardy Teen Tournament qualifying test (more on that later)
March 5- second to last Center Theatre Group Student Advisory Committee meeting
March 6- volunteering in the morning and Avenue Q in the evening
March 9- choir clinic
March 12- last ever CTG SAC meeting (super depressing) and possible after party
March 18 and 19- THEATRE FESTIVAL (that I am not prepared for in any way shape or form)
March 22- CHOIR CONCERT (at the middle school, so it doesn't really count)
March 27- Walk-a-Thon for Friendship Circle (www.friendshipwalk.org)

That's it for now. But I can almost guarantee you there will be more. I will update you on future events as they come, but for now, let's discuss the Jeopardy situation.

So, I was really excited to take the Jeopardy test. Not to toot my own horn, but I'm really good at Jeopardy. Yes, I am one of those people that screams at the screen. Naturally, I decided to take the online qualifying test to be in next year's teen tournament. I was so excited and was practically counting down the days until today, when the test would be online and ready to be taken. I signed on half an hour early, even though Alex Trebek (or who ever runs the website) only recommended twenty minutes. I took the test, and I made a couple more mistakes than I would have liked, but no regrets, right? When the test was over, I read the after test tutorial, which basically told me the following:
You can be notified anytime within the next YEAR. Your test are being sent straight to scorers, but due to the large amount of qualifiers taking this test, random selection will be used for part of the process.

Basically, Jeopardy contestants are picked randomly. Now I actually have to find a realistic way to pay for college. FML.

Today is a big day in birthdays- Happy birthday to Frederic Chopin, Lana Wood, Alan Thicke, Ron Howard, Javier Bardem, Ke$ha, Justin Beiber, and the amazing beyond belief Ron Weasley. That is a group of people I would have never guessed had something in common...

T Pain (I don't know who he is, but apparently he's famous?) was at my school today to shoot a commercial for a microphone that automatically auto-tunes your voice. I can sing the song "California Gurls" with little to no irony.

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